Hi! I am a junior computer science major, software developer and a math enthusiast currently based in Chicago, IL. I am passionate about teaching and mentorship on both sides of the process. I frequent Hackathons on weekends throughout the year to meet new people and try new things.
I love connecting with new people. Get in touch and say hi at: hasan@hawk.iit.edu
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
B.S. in Computer Science; GPA: 4.00/4
Expected May 2019
Minor in Applied Mathematics
Relevant Coursework:
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Introduction to Algorihms
- Database Organization
- Software Engineering
- Operating Systems
- Mobile Applications Development
Leadership and Involvement
- Secretary, Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) @ IIT, Computer Science Honor Society
- Member, Association for Computing Machinery
- Treasurer, Commuter Student Association
Teaching Assistant, August 2017 - Present
Department of Computer Science, IIT.
CS201: Accelerated Intro to Computer Science
CS350: Computer Org & Assembly Lang Prgmng
Peer CS Scholar/Tutor, January 2018 - Present
Academic Resource Center, IIT.
Student Researcher, June 2017 - November 2017
Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Lab, Department of Computer Science, IIT.
High Performance Computing, Supercomputing, and Distributed Systems
- Python
- Java
- C
- Javascript
BOSSA - Interprofessional Project
Basic Circuitry for Kids
3D Pong
Flight Reservation
NSFW Blocker
Personal Website
Student Cluster Competition (SCC)
College of Science Dean's List
National Mathematics Talent Competition